About me

Who am I?

Hi there! Welcome to my blog! My name is Zana. I come from Slovenia. I’m a 29-year-old Computer Science Engineer interested in food. So much that I left my job to dedicate 100% of my time to study nutrition and develop easy plant-based recipes that anyone can make! Plant-based food really changed my life and here I’m sharing everything I have learned with you. I am also certified in Plant-based Nutrition from T. Colin Campbell’s Center for Nutrition Studies. I’m a Crohn’s disease warrior, a vegan, and a true foodie…

This is me.

What is my story?

Long story short, in 2012 when I was just finishing up my studies and got my first job, I got very sick. I ended up in a hospital and the doctors diagnosed me with Crohn’s disease, an incurable autoimmune disease. A few years prior to that I also got diagnosed with hypertension, which was supposed to be genetic. I was getting more and more overweight and more and more unhappy with my life.

Big me and normal-sized me.

How did I get into nutrition?

I decided to take matters into my own hands and to do everything I can to be happy and healthy again. My health started improving after I adopted a plant-based diet, so I decided to research it. When I found out the truth about the impact our diet has on our health and the environment, I decided that was way more important than my job at that time.

Why did I quit my job?

I left my job as one of the lead software developers and dedicated full time to plant-based nutrition. I invested my time and money in plant-based nutrition education. When I finally understood the basic concepts of nutrition and how our nutrition affects our health, it felt like I held knowledge everyone should have access to. I shed off all that extra weight and cured my hypertension without even trying.

Why am I writing this blog?

Through my 8-year plant-based journey to health and happiness, I developed a set of tips & tricks I wish I had when I started out. That journey would have been much more pleasant and my health would have gotten better even sooner. I understand when people say going plant-based is hard, but I also know how it can become easier and most of all – sustainable.

Me with wind in my hair. How fancy.

How can you support me?

I made it my mission to share my best tips & tricks on plant-based cooking and living. I want to make it as easy for you as possible. And I am giving it all out for free. A lot of the tips on this blog will even help you save money. If you want to support me, don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss out on new tips & tricks!

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