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Plant-based sushi roll [whole-food, plant-based, no oil, gluten free]
I used to be very intimidated by the word “sushi”. It sounded very posh to me and I thought it can only be made with raw fish. But as it turns out, it’s just seasoned rice with some kind of filling wrapped into a nori sheet. Rice and algae are already plant-based. To make plant-based […]
Kumarična solata s sojinim jogurtom [vegansko, rastlinsko, brez olja]
Osvežilna kumarična solata je moja najljubša solata za na piknik. Je bogata, osvežilna, nasitna in zelo okusna. Dobro se prileže burgerjem ali zelenjavi z žara. Božanska je tudi samostojna s kosom kruha ali s pečenim krompirjem. V bistvu jo lahko uporabimo kot solato ali pa kot omako. Ta slastna solata je odlična izbira za piknike. […]
Creamy cucumber salad [vegan, plant-based, no-oil, low-fat]
Creamy cucumber salad is my favorite thing to bring to a BBQ party. It’s rich, refreshing, satisfying, and very delicious. You can have it with grilled burgers or vegetables. It is also delicious all by itself with a piece of bread or with baked potatoes. It actually works as a salad and as a condiment […]
Slastna gosta veganska smetana za kuhanje [vegansko, rastlinsko, brez olja, brez glutena]
Izjemno preprost recept za slastno gosto vegansko smetano za kuhanje, ki je prav tako brez olja in brez glutena. To je moja absolutno najljubša zamenjava za gosto smetano za kuhanje – je izredno bogatega okusa, a vendar kalorično gledano precej lahka. Nizka kalorična vrednost je seveda posledica tega, da ima malo maščob. Sestavine za vegansko […]
Delicious thick plant-based cooking cream [vegan, plant-based, no-oil, low-fat, gluten-free]
This is a very simple recipe for a delicious, thick, plant-based cooking cream that is also oil-free, gluten-free, low in fat, and of course vegan. This is my favorite plant-based substitute for heavy cream – it has a very rich taste but it is very low in calories. It’s actually kind of funny because it […]
Najboljši umešan tofu [vegansko, brez olja, brez glutena]
Kaj je umešan tofu? Če ne jeste jajc, ste najverjetneje že poskusili umešan tofu. Gre za zelo enostavno jed, pri kateri tofu enostavno nadrobimo in uporabimo podobno, kot bi jajca. Jed je zelo okusna, a vendar se mi je tofu vedno zdel malo preveč “gumijast” in suh za takšno jed. Sploh kadar sem jed poskušala […]
The best tofu scramble [vegan, plant-based, no-oil, gluten-free]
What is tofu scramble? Probably everyone who is avoiding eggs has tried a tofu scramble recipe at least once in their life. It’s a very simple recipe, you just crumble some tofu into a pan, saute it with some onions or your favorite vegetables and that’s it. It is almost as practical as “the real […]
How to maintain a healthy plant-based diet during the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Will your plant-based diet keep you safe from catching the Coronavirus? Of course not, but it might help you fight it. It has been almost a month since the Coronavirus containment measures took place where I live. My life has changed a lot and so has my diet. I’m on a mission to get as […]
How to cook without oil on a plant-based diet? Don’t use water instead!
As you might have heard, oil is a highly processed food and all the plant-based doctors advise against it. Mic the Vegan even called it “The vegan killer” because it might be the one thing that could cause heart disease for vegans. But if you found this article you probably already know all that, and […]