Cheat sheet is on the bottom! So you are interested in going plant-based. Good on you! There are many reasons to go plant-based. It doesn’t matter why you decided to go plant-based, but it does matter how you choose to do it. Whether you made the decision for your health, for the environment or you […]
Articles about the plant-based diet
Here you can find all my articles about the most important things you need to know about the plant-based diet and lifestyle.
All my articles are backed up by science. You can find sources cited where I make any claims.
I am not your medical doctor so you shouldn’t take any medical advice or decisions based on articles on this page.
The main purpose of this page is to help you find information and make informed decisions.
If there are any important topics you feel I should write about, feel free to tell me using the contact form.
I look forward to reading all your messages and comments on the topics I discuss.
You should write to me or leave a comment if you agree or disagree.
Make sure if you make any claims, that you always back them up by science.
That is the only way we can have a meaningful conversation since nutrition is a science field, not a book club. :)
Is a plant-based diet the same as vegan?
First, let’s just explain both of the terms. The basic explanation of terms will give you a good hint of whether or not plant-based is the same as vegan. But to understand why the difference is not small and so very important, make sure you read the rest of the article. As someone who has […]
The most common myths about soy and the surprising benefits of soy consumption
Three most common myths about soy 1. Soy consumption is one of the main causes of deforestation I decided to put this myth about soy first because I hear it all the time. Especially when I mention, that one of the main reasons I am leading a plant-based lifestyle is to help our planet. Just […]
Why can beans cause bloating and gas?
Why should you eat beans? Beans are one of nature’s finest treasures. They are cheap, delicious and incredibly nutritious. Beans contain large amounts of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are packed with potassium and magnesium and they also contain a lot of fiber. Eating legumes is the easiest way to meet your nutritional needs […]
About me
Who am I? Hi there! Welcome to my blog! My name is Zana. I come from Slovenia. I’m a 29-year-old Computer Science Engineer interested in food. So much that I left my job to dedicate 100% of my time to study nutrition and develop easy plant-based recipes that anyone can make! Plant-based food really changed […]
Why should I subscribe? This is a relatively new blog, but I have tons of precious content and knowledge I have gathered over the past 8 years of plant-based cooking. You SHOULD SUBSCRIBE to this blog because I PROMISE I will give you the most incredible tips and tricks that will make your plant-based cooking […]
Is a plant-based diet good for your health?
How can a plant-based diet improve your health? Weight loss a plant-based diet is the most efficient diet for sustainable long term weight loss Diabetes a plant-based diet has been shown to prevent and even reverse type 2 diabetes Heart disease a plant-based diet can prevent heart disease a plant-based diet is the only diet […]
Is a plant-based diet good for the planet?
How can your plant-based diet help the planet? What are the impacts your diet is having on the environment? How can you minimize your footprint or should I say “foodprint”? The connection between our diet and our planet I will list just a few of the many ways how our diet choices impact our planet. […]